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You are welcomed with a page about group Plazma!

Position of songs of group Plazma in various Charts and Hits-lists.
Europa+: - (7) place with song The power of your spell   To hear a fragment
Авторадио: - (3) place with song The power of your spell   To hear a fragment
In brackets: the best position in charts.

 The data on 1/06/2004

What do you wait from new song Plazma - Power of your spell?
Results of interrogation. In total has voted 278 persons

178 (63.8%) Become a superhit

54 (19.4%) Will not be lost on spaces of radio

26 (9.3%) Remain simply a good song

9 (3.2%) With a crash will fail

8 (2.9%) Remain unnoticed

4 (1.4%) I do not know

This site is created for those who loves group Plazma, but also not only... As practice this group shows interests many, and the resources devoted to this pop group, in ru-net practically are not present. There is, certainly, an official site www.plazma.ru on which ALL is told about guys, but, shall be repeated, the specialized sites of Plazma's fans do not exist. As make me on his creation.

It is necessary to note, that a site not pretends on any superefficiency. If you have noticed, that on this site there is no fresh information on group, do not shout: " Hey... Yes they crazy?... Guys there gave a concert already two days ago, and at them still it is not present... " For all it will be better, if you will press a button "Feedback" and write the letter to me. Write in the letter what particularly interests you the information. After reception of the letter the information at once will appear on pages of a site.

The site begins the existence on March, 16, 2003. Upon termination of certain time (somewhere quarter) news for this period, will be sent in corresponding section. So you can always learn about произошедшом if, for example, could not visit on a site owing to business trip to Tahiti a society of the charming girl:) a joke..

A sitemap:
News. News about group will disappear here.
Downloads. Wall-papers for a desktop with images of Max and Roma (the biggest collection in all the Internet:)) and various skins.
History. The given section will be devoted to history of group. You anywhere any more will not find so full history of creation and existence of group.
Photos. In this section the best are placed in my opinion photos group from various sites of the Internet.
Music. The section directly devoted to music of group, i.e. creativity, albums, songs.
Dialogue. The guest book of the given site, forums for dialogue, various interrogations and an opportunity to communicate with me:).
Links. My favourite references.

Here while also all. If at you any offers have appeared - write.

Яндекс цитирования

2003-2004 © Plazma-fan.RU
Designed & Admined by Petrucha.

New section links, interrogation and results of the past.

Wall-papers for a desktop.

Updating: new musical section.

Updating: new новости in new "news section":)

It is sensitive the design of a site has exchanged: now there is very convenient functional menu and color of a site more decently!

On a site now Mp3, new photos and changed design.:)

Updating: texts of songs and wall-papers.

Plazma has forbidden to show the clip.

Musical plans of group: republish of an album "607.".

 Already on sale:
The republished albums


What in your opinion the future of group Plazma?

Will find the new producer
Will find the new producer and will replace the name
Will continue co-operation from D.Malikov
Becomes independent collective
Will collapsed
To me all the same

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